
Combination Unit

Manatokan Oilfield Services has tri-drive combination units, allowing for large volumes of both freshwater and debris to be hauled. These units combine a high pressure wash and steam unit, with a high performance vacuum system. This configuration can be used for many job applications, from simple “wash and clean” applications, to hydro vac work when exposing underground infrastructure such as buried pipelines, electrical cables, etc. is necessary.

The versatility of these units adds to their value on your job site; it reduces the number of pieces of equipment on the location. If, for example, you require the use of the mobile steam unit only, then the unit can be used for that application. And the same would apply if you required a body vac only for the day. This is especially efficient for remote areas, and jobs that may require equipment and personnel to remain on site, or in a camp, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

Each unit is a full DOT 407 specification, allowing for the transportation of all petroleum fluids and oilfield waste. All operators and assistant operators are fully qualified and trained in all aspects of the jobs to be performed. Each has certification in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Ground Disturbance, H2S Alive, WHMIS, First Aid and CPR.